Law of Reincarnation Raw: A Manhwa Review

Law of Reincarnation Raw: A Manhwa Review

Law of Reincarnation Raw is a romance and fantasy webtoon that follows the protagonist who travels back in time to his first year at the company and tries to get with his old first love. The webtoon is written and illustrated by Kim Seung-ho, and it is serialized on the Naver Webtoon platform. The webtoon has gained popularity and acclaim for its intriguing plot, charming characters, and beautiful artwork. In this article, we will review and evaluate the webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses, as well as its impact and influence on the manhwa industry and the readers.

Introduction to the Manhwa

The webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw is based on the idea of reincarnation and fate, which are common themes in many Asian cultures and religions. The webtoon explores the question of what if you could go back in time and change your past, and how that would affect your present and future. The webtoon also explores the themes of love, friendship, family, and career, and how they shape and define our lives and personalities.

The webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw tells the story of Lee Ji-hoon, a 29-year-old employee at a large corporation, who is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life. He is stuck in a dead-end job, he has no girlfriend, and he has no friends. He is also haunted by his regret and guilt over his first love, Kim Soo-ah, who died in a car accident three years ago. He blames himself for not confessing his feelings to her, and for not being able to save her.

One day, He gets a mysterious phone call from an unknown number, which turns out to be from Kim Soo-ah. She tells him that she is alive, and that she is waiting for him at their old meeting place. He rushes to see her, but he gets into a car accident on the way. He wakes up in the hospital, and he realizes that he has traveled back in time to his first year at the company, when he was 26 years old, and when Kim Soo-ah was still alive.

He decides to use this opportunity to change his past, and to get with Kim Soo-ah, who is his colleague at the company. He also decides to change his attitude and behavior, and to become a better person and a better worker. However, he soon discovers that changing the past is not as easy as he thought, and that there are consequences and complications that he did not anticipate. He also discovers that there are other people who have also traveled back in time, and who have their own agendas and motives.

Will he be able to change his fate, and to get his happy ending with Kim Soo-ah? Or will he face more challenges and obstacles, and lose everything that he holds dear? Find out in the webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw, a thrilling and romantic journey through time and love.

Analysis of Characters and Themes

The webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw has a rich and diverse cast of characters, who have their own personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. The webtoon also has a deep and complex plot, which explores various themes and issues, such as reincarnation, fate, love, friendship, family, and career. Here are some of the main characters and themes of the webtoon:

•  Lee Ji-hoon: 

He is the protagonist and the narrator of the webtoon. He is a 29-year-old employee at a large corporation, who is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life. He is also a time traveler, who travels back in time to his first year at the company, and tries to get with his old first love, Kim Soo-ah. He is a smart, kind, and loyal person, who cares deeply for his loved ones. He is also a determined, courageous, and resourceful person, who tries to overcome his challenges and achieve his goals. He is the main driver of the plot, and his actions and decisions have a significant impact on the outcome of the story.

•  Kim Soo-ah: 

She is the female lead and the love interest of the webtoon. She is a 26-year-old employee at the same company as Lee Ji-hoon, and she is his old first love, who died in a car accident in the original timeline. She is also a time traveler, who travels back in time to her first year at the company, and tries to avoid her tragic fate. She is a beautiful, cheerful, and optimistic person, who brightens up the lives of those around her. She is also a talented, hardworking, and ambitious person, who strives to excel at her work and to achieve her dreams. She is the main source of happiness and motivation for Lee Ji-hoon, and her relationship and fate with him are the main focus of the story.

•  Park Seo-joon: 

He is the main antagonist and the rival of the webtoon. He is a 29-year-old employee at the same company as Lee Ji-hoon, and he is his nemesis and competitor. He is also a time traveler, who travels back in time to his first year at the company, and tries to sabotage and destroy Lee Ji-hoon’s life and love. He is a handsome, charismatic, and wealthy person, who has a lot of influence and power. He is also a cruel, arrogant, and greedy person, who will stop at nothing to get what he wants and to hurt those who oppose him. He is the main source of conflict and danger for Lee Ji-hoon, and his schemes and interference with him are the main obstacles of the story.

•  Kim Min-jae: 

He is the main supporting character and the friend of the webtoon. He is a 26-year-old employee at the same company as Lee Ji-hoon, and he is his friend and co-worker. He is also a time traveler, who travels back in time to his first year at the company, and tries to help and protect Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Soo-ah. He is a funny, friendly, and loyal person, who provides comic relief and moral support. He is also a clever, brave, and honest person, who gives useful advice and information. He is the main ally and helper for Lee Ji-hoon, and his involvement and contribution to him are the main assets of the story.

The webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw also explores various themes and issues, such as:

•  Reincarnation and fate:

 The webtoon is based on the idea of reincarnation and fate, which are the belief that the soul can be reborn in a different body and time, and that the events and outcomes of one’s life are predetermined and inevitable. The webtoon questions and challenges these concepts, and asks whether one can change their past and their fate, and whether one has free will and choice over their actions and decisions. The webtoon also shows the consequences and complications of changing the past and the fate, and how that affects the present and the future.

•  Love and friendship: 

The webtoon is also a romance and a comedy, which depicts the love and friendship between the characters. The webtoon shows the development and the growth of the relationship between Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Soo-ah, who start as colleagues and friends, and who become lovers and partners. The webtoon also shows the bond and the camaraderie between Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Min-jae, who start as strangers and co-workers, and who become friends and allies. The webtoon also shows the contrast and the conflict between Lee Ji-hoon and Park Seo-joon, who start as rivals and enemies, and who become foes and adversaries. The webtoon also shows the importance and the value of love and friendship, and how they can inspire and motivate one to live and to fight.

•  Family and career: 

The webtoon is also a drama and a slice of life, which depicts the family and career of the characters. The webtoon shows the background and the history of the characters, such as their parents, siblings, and relatives, and how they affect and influence their lives and personalities. The webtoon also shows the work and the life of the characters, such as their projects, tasks, and goals, and how they affect and influence their performance and satisfaction. The webtoon also shows the balance and the harmony between family and career, and how they can support and complement each other.

Artwork and Visuals

The webtoon Law of Reincarnation Raw has stunning and impressive artwork and visuals, which enhance and complement the story and the characters. The webtoon has a colorful and vibrant style, which creates a lively and dynamic atmosphere. The webtoon also has a detailed and realistic style, which creates a convincing and immersive experience. The webtoon also has an expressive and emotive style, which creates a captivating and engaging mood.

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